Personal Style

I view fashion as a form of self expression. Some people get dressed with only practicality in mind, but I think about mood, goals and how I want to be perceived. 

I enjoy bright colors, bold patterns and whimsical touches. I jokingly describe my style as toddler chic and the highest compliment is when babies and small children find me captivating. 

My clothing is a combination of new, vintage and homemade items and I try to support local businesses as much as possible, from head to toe. 

Fancy Fridays

I dress up regularly and I’ve been known to peer pressure friends to do the same. In the time of COVID, I started Fancy Fridays to give myself and others an excuse to dress up while most of us stay home and social distance. It’s grown into a delightful community and has become the highlight of my week. 

Color Coded Photo Challenge

The City and Borough of Juneau Parks & Recreation Department issued a challenge to create photos representing the colors of the rainbow. Over a week, there were six prompts, but I’m a bit of an overachiever. It approached it with determination, care and a sense of humor.